Boy, I sure hate dogs. What a filthy, biting, ball-licking, a$$-licking, sheet-eating and then-rolling-in-it vile creature they are. Love to kill 'em, tho. Great practice for real game. And I've killed a bunch of 'em.

Been bitten by more than a few. Can't even walk the sidewalks and paths in my sophisticated neighborhood these days without getting 'into it' with somebody's fawkin' pet lunging and trying to chomp on me. Got nipped in my thighs last week twice by some city dude's big-ass poodle on my way back from the mailbox. The guy said 'oh, she's just trying to play with you'.........but those nips were pretty close to my package. Plus I warned the guy as I was walking up that his doggy was looking at me in a biting manner. He didn't care until after the fact.

The domestic dogs used to pack up and hunt the pastures of our land when I was a kid in New Mexico......looking for everything from jackrabbits to our calves. They finally got the message when I got my first .243 and thinned them out.......joyfully. Killed 7 in one pack one morning.........every one of 'em. Some folks missed their family pets that evening. I was heartbroken.

One time in Colorado during college in the early 1980's, I went up in the mtns with my .22 auto to hike and whack a few squirrels and blue grouse. Did so, and was returning to the trailhead parking lot when I walked past a pickup with a staring dog in the back. That dog jumped out, ran at me, and took a bite outta my leg as I was readying my rifle. That fawker never made it back to the truck alive. I shot the sheet out of it, and even flung its bloody carcass up onto the pickup hood for the owner to not miss when he came back from his hike.

Got attacked and bitten by one a few years ago while walking across the public park adjacent to my office. Luckily for that family pet......I wasn't packing. Did kick the sheet outta him and almost the owner....too.

Some ranch dogs are attackers and biters too. Let me tell you some of my stories of ranch dogs.........and their guts........flying into different air spaces. Dumbschitt's bring a bite to a gunfight.

I get that they are able to see and to sense the discomfort in my eyes when they get near me.......and they pounce on it.........and that their natural sense is to fawkin' bite. But my natural response is to kick and to stomp and to shoot. Done all of that.

I'll kill every domestic biting dog that I can.....for the rest of my days. Soooooo.....keep your biting family pets away from me, okay?

The only good dog is a dead dog.

Confucius say: He who angers you.......controls you.

My Lifestance is one of Secular Humanism.