eyeball--I heard the guy jumped another boats very high wake and went airborn--hell of wreck anyway.

I don't care about hole shot--not gonna race anybody and nobody gonna go waterskiing here--water temps won't get up into the '60s until August.

It's not unusual for me to go 80 miles up the Lake for 4 or 5 days and not see another boat. Gas is the limiting factor cause you can only carry so much. That and weather. There are no charts of this Lake and while a depth sounder will tell you how much water is under the keel it won't tell you how much depth is out in front of you.

I used to commercially fish. Operating a 34 ton 60ft Steel Tug at 9mph is a great deal different than a runabout like this. I've had good friends die on the Lake and some of it from really stupid moves but-knock on wood-while I have torn up some skiffs and had some major breakdowns nobody ever got hurt bad enough to require hospitalization. After 42 Seasons on the Lake I'm rather proud of that fact.