Shooting hoops with mi familia after church, and the spidey sense starts tingling.

A glance over my shoulder reveals a gopher nibbling on the green beans in the garden.

I casually take a Jabar sky hook getting nothing but net, oozing swag and savvy as I sashay to the porch, like nothing is out of the ordinary.

My wife says, "You got a runner!"

Knowing the gopher will get to the soybean field before I can retrieve the Savage GL, I head for the gopher, reaching in the truck window for the M&P 9c - a previously baptized gopher slayer.

Swift of foot I engage pursuit, (my wife scoffing that I'll never catch it).

I see the varmint trying to navigate a cattle wire fence in hopes of becoming a ghost in the knee high edameme (or whatever that fancy f'n french term for soybeans is).

Making it through the fence, he pauses, and I take a shot, hitting wire.

I curse, as the gopher continues into the beans.

He makes it about 20 feet, I can see plants moving as he weaves a path of deception. Then he pauses, standing up to see if he is still being pursued.

This time, a triple tap sends the gopher into a spasmodic "twerk o' death".

And I turn to leer at my doubting bride.

"Brutal" she says.

"Yes. Yes I am."