My Brother-in-Law and I were up in the 'Dacks on an early bear season hunt. Yesterday morning he got a "911" text from my wife. NO cell service where we were,just the text header. When we got to where we had reception, my wife told us that when she went to her Dad's house to give him his eye drops and make his lunch,she found him on the floor in a coma. In I.C.U. on repsirator,unresponsive. Had a massive stroke He would be 93 on 9/27. My wife and BIL made the decision to disconnect him. John Tripoli. WWII US Navy SeaBees Pacific Theater. Very soon he will be Legend. Please spare a moment to pray for his Peaceful passing. John I love you and respect you for all that you are and I will miss you. Salute. frown

Last edited by EvilTwin; 09/22/14.

Be afraid,be VERY VERY afraid
ad triarios redisse
My Buddy eh76 speaks authentic Frontier Gibberish!
[Linked Image]