Originally Posted by Scott_Thornley
Central Indiana - so like that kiddie course they call Indianapolis? Yep, that whole 65/70/465 thing you got going on there is rough.

There's worse around the country, but it's busy here most of the time.

During the day, traffic is too heavy for everybody to fit into the right hand lane. Doesn't matter what the traffic regulations say, mathematics says everybody keeping to the right is impossible.

Lots of on-ramps around here are near blind or close to it. Use the side-view mirror, somebody said? That's really funny.

Lots of times, you've got traffic tight in the right hand lane. Traffic in front of you on the ramp is also tight. You get up to the right lane, you pick a spot between two cars already in the right lane and you nose your car into it.

The guy behind the spot you're aiming for? Most of the time he's cool about it. He eases up on the gas and lets you in because a few minutes before he saw you, he was entering traffic the same way you just did and somebody let him in.

Every now and then, though, there's some raging hemorrhoid who's screaming, "Hey! Hey! I'm doing speed limit! It's not my responsibility to let you into the lane!"

And then he's leaning on the horn, shouting obscenities, rolling down the window to flip you the bird, then pulling in front of you to make sure you can see him flipping you the bird.

Some guys just need to be pistol-whipped in the face. wink