Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
What part of that rambling, incoherent diatribe has anything to do with the FBI evaluation self defense ammunition?

What part of, "why do you trust the government to choose your self defense tools" do you not understand??? In five years, their position will change yet again and for what unforeseen political reasons? Has no one actually examined the criteria by which they make their decision? Just like all the dumbasses that look to the heavily flawed, limited and outdated USFS study to choose their bear defense weapon, it makes no sense to me and requires more than a little blind stupidity. I'd rather use my own judgement and choose what is the right tool for my own personal needs than to blindly and stupidly follow any government entity. Does the following, which is an admission that their agents are not trained well enough to be effective with anything larger than 9mm, apply to one and all???

"So when the skill of the shooter � with many agencies and even civilian shooters unable to train on a consistent basis � is a factor, there�s no shortcut in shooting a larger-caliber round."

Try addressing the actual substance of my post, rather than just slinging juvenile insults. I'm immune to the insults of anonymous morons on the internet.