I don't suppose there would be one. If they see fit to go for 1:8 I'm sure it will make a very small number of shooters happy.

I guess what irritates me is just the general attitude towards LAW, and the arrogance exhibited on this forum in general. Some of the insulting comments that were made in the beginning, and all of it stemmed from nothing more than a disagreement about twist rate? It seemed as though some of you were trying to say that the people at LAW are somehow inferior to you because they made different decisions than you would have about THEIR products.

How many folks on this forum own their own firearms company? How many of you run your own gunsmith business? How many of you write articles for major shooting or hunting publications? How many of you have your own TV show about firearms or hunting?

If you didn't answer "I do" to any of those questions, I'm not sure why you think that your opinion actually matters. If you did answer in the affirmative, then you might have a leg to stand on as far as someone who matters paying attention to what you have to say. I will go ahead and admit that I am not in one of those categories. Therefore, I can give my opinions on here all day long, but I don't actually expect anyone from a firearms company to take it seriously. If I owned my own firearms company that's the first group of people I would listen to........firearms ENTHUSISTS on a friggin forum......yeah right.

In the end, this forum is supposed to be a place for good natured discussion about a passion that we all share. Instead it seems to always end up with mud slinging and name calling, and arrogance. It seems that some folks on here take themselves way too seriously. Being a guide or outfitter or a competition shooter or a dedicated hand loader is fine, but it certainly doesn't mean that you know enough to tell a company how they should and should not make their products. Get over yourselves.

At least I have enough sense to realize that I am just a piss ant in the grand scheme of things, as are most of the people on this forum. Our opinions are just that, opinions. if you want rifles built your way, either come up with a few thousand dollars and call a custom maker, or come up with a few million and start your own company. If you want your opinion to matter, go out and make a name for yourself in the industry......otherwise don't get butt hurt when the folks with money that run the companies don't give two [bleep] about your "opinion".