lotta good folks where I live, but there's some of the other type too.

we're lucky that our life style and vocation puts us in proximity to a vast majority of the good ones, and I'm grateful for that.

believe it lulls my family into a false sense of security at times.

but I try and remain vigilant

just because the only folks you really have to worry about only make up 3-5% of those you share a community with, doesn't mean they aren't there.

for most of the sheep, being prepared equates with being paranoid, until some S splatters on the fan, then the definition of prepared becomes a lot more real to them.

imo, one of the most disturbing aspects of our society is those folks that don't prepare for eventualities often seem to resent those that do and will even champion legislation prohibiting them from doing so. crazy stuff imo

we've been might lucky, and hopin that luck holds, still can't hurt to have a jack in your car or fire extinguishers about.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.