Our new strategy is to isolate groups of American fighters into small units staitioned 24/7 in police buildings so that they can win the hearts and minds of Iraqis. Yesterday, in a small town, three suicide bombers blew up their cars, in series, outside the gate of the station. There are no Iraqi police domiciled there, BTW.Two US soldiers were killed outright.

The news? It is reported that when our young people rushed out to help the wounded they were shot upon by fighters waiting for them. There are now 17 American wounded.

It is over - we must leave. The Shia Militia has stopped fighting - they're just waiting. The Sunnis and AlQueda are still fighting. After years of brutal repression of the Shia the Sunnis fear that their turn is coming - the AQ are just nuts.

Now we are fighting people who see death as better than life. They do not understand honor and the way the way the Western World does. These militants hide in the general population and appear whnever they want. We can't defend the general populace and our Christian beliefs won't allow use to kill without cause. Therefore, we can not root out terrorists the way the Israelis, Shia, Sunnis, and Wahabis do.

It is time to go. Most of the billions in reconstruction money has been stolen, and much of that by the new Iraqi politicians. We have a deficit and billions are gone. What if we had spent that money on health care, and free college, and disaster preparedness?

It is time to go. In Southeast Iraq, the official language has become Farsi (Iranian). So, Iran already has terrific influence.

When Iraq and Iran were at war, Iran had companies of teenage boys who wore green socks. On the socks were prayers to Allah upon their death. The companies' mission was solely to run through minefields tripping mines with their feet so that the Iranian fighters could get through.

Can we fight that fervor? Of course not. Between those two countries over 800,000 casualties occured before that war was over.

Lets build a wall around the Middle East. All of it, Irsrael too, and let them fight it out. For all our effort to fight and buy a better life for these people, we have gained little for them and nothing for ourselves. They need to work out their own problems.

It is time to leave. Saudi Arabia finances terrorism. Lets spend our money finding alternative energy. Let Europe deal with Middle East - they created the problems with their colonialism in the 1800s. WE are paying with lives so that Europe gets oil.

It is time to leave - it is no longer a war that can be won. We can leave now or three years from now. There will be no difference in outcomes either way, except the lost lives of our men, women, and the greater mortgage on our children's future, the increasing deficit.

These are my opinins. Maybe people will shout at me the same way they're lynching Zumbo, just the way the Muslims rioted after a cartoon of Allah was placed in a Danish newspaper.


Vermont Constitution: Article 16th. That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the State...