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Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by Thunderstick

God spoke the 10 commandments audibly to establish Moses as His spokesperson. The congregation also asked that God would speak through Moses.

I don't think that God spoke through anybody at any time or place. I am merely pointing out the contradictions within the narrative, the two incompatible descriptions of God and the actions attributed to God within the story line,

Originally Posted by Thunderstick

Jesus came in humanity to bring the gospel. God does not speak His inspired word to each individual otherwise we would have numerous contradictory claims. These would be real and not merely alleged. The prophets of the OT spoke near and far claims to validate them as messengers.
Jesus life death and resurrection validated His ministry. He left His apostles to finish it and the door of revelation was closed.

The validation of the prophets with their fulfillments is unassailable as well as the testimony. Of Jesus in this world.

Have you looked at the history of the Gospels and how the NT was put together through a series of councils, copying between gospel writers, drawing from hearsay, etc?

Not that this matters, the contradiction between descriptions of a God of Love, not keeping record of wrongs, and God who punishes generations for the sins of their fathers, orders executions murder and genocide, are there to be seen and read by anyone.

It's only the filter of faith that does not allow believers to acknowledge these contradictions.


''Oral gospel traditions, cultural information passed on from one generation to the next by word of mouth, were the first stage in the formation of the written gospels. These oral traditions included different types of stories about Jesus. For example, people told anecdotes about Jesus healing the sick and debating with his opponents. The traditions also included sayings attributed to Jesus, such as parables and teachings on various subjects which, along with other sayings, formed the oral gospel tradition.[1][2]

Scholars generally understood that these written sources must have had a prehistory as oral tellings, but the very nature of oral transmission seemed to rule out the possibility of recovering them. However, in the early 20th century the German scholar Hermann Gunkel demonstrated a new critical method, form criticism, which he believed could discover traces of oral tradition in written texts. Gunkel specialized in Old Testament studies, but other scholars soon adopted and adapted his methods to the study of the New Testament.[3]

Mark, Matthew and Luke are known as the Synoptic Gospels because they have such a high degree of interdependence. Modern scholars generally agree that Mark was the first of the gospels to be written (see Markan priority). The author does not seem to have used extensive written sources, but rather to have woven together small collections and individual traditions into a coherent presentation.[15] It is generally, though not universally, agreed that the authors of Matthew and Luke used as sources the gospel of Mark and a collection of sayings called the Q source. These two together account for the bulk of each of Matthew and Luke, with the remainder made up of smaller amounts of source material unique to each, called the M source for Matthew and the L source for Luke, which may have been a mix of written and oral material (see Two-source hypothesis). Most scholars believe that the author of John's gospel used oral and written sources different from those available to the Synoptic authors – a "signs" source, a "revelatory discourse" source, and others – although there are indications that a later editor of this gospel may have used Mark and Luke.[16]''

If you want to learn church history you should study it and not merely suckle the bottle of unscholarly skepticism. There was no ecumenical council that ever discussed the canon before Trent. The two councils that discussed it were local. Before they were ever convened we had the old Latin bible and even the Vulgate. So we had the form of the Bible we have today before any council discussed a canon. Skeptics are some of the worst historians.

That's not a rational argument. I was referring to academic studies, not what evangelists teach their rapt congregation while they nod their heads in unison.

I was saying you ought to study church history from original sources--the ante-Nicene and Nicene works. That is by far the largest source of original data.Skeptic scholarship assumes they can revise history to suit their objectives, But as I pointed out there history of the canon is fraught with unfounded speculation and lack of facts. Maybe they don't study history.


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Originally Posted by Thunderstick

I despise the Inquisition--they never were followers of Christ. However the scale of atrocities by atheistic societies is by far unparalleled.

.....and you know this as fact how?

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Originally Posted by TF49
Originally Posted by victoro
"Arrive in Heaven! Be greeted by the Creator of the universe! No more sickness! Perfect health! No sin! Play 20 questions with a God!
Unfettered communion with Jesus!
Then, as we are being greeted by an infinite God, there will far more....more than I can imagine.
Gonna be good....exciting!
Oh, and if I need a break, stroll on down the streets of gold and over to the rib eye tree.....,"

That's your fantasy and there's no evidence of any of that.

1) If a baby or young child who is unaware of religion dies will they go to Heaven? How are they going to play 20 questions with God if they don't know how to talk yet? Will a baby remain in diapers or grow into adults?

2) If you are bedridden, die at an old age and are down to skin and bone will you be remain like that in Heaven? Can you revert to an earlier age in Heaven when you were very healthy?

3) Why would need a break in Heaven?

4) Why would you need gold (or streets) in Heaven?

5) How will I stroll if I don't have any legs? Will God make me some new legs?

6) Since there's rib eye trees there must be plants in Heaven but no animals. Will you eat them raw? So you be won't be able to see your dogs.

7) Why would I want unfettered communion with Jesus? I don't like wine or bread.

You didn't answer my questions about having sex in Heaven.

LOL.....of course I didn’t answer your question...... one will rapidly tire of trying to respond to every squawk of the seagull...!

Anyway.... there is biblical support for the premise that children who die before the “age of accountability” go to heaven.

Of course, you could have found that out with a rudimentary internet search, but you didn’t want to do that did you?

You’re just one of the flock and feel the need to “squawk.”

Well, go ahead.....

You didn't answer any of my questions because you have NO answers to any of the questions I've asked. So you think I can find the answers to my questions by doing a rudimentary internet search. You're the one that described the Christian Heaven so why wouldn't I ask you directly?

Last edited by victoro; 07/15/19.
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“Good Lord! It is even worse than I thought. Some of you guys flunked Bible studies.” Bowsinger

“In the Affairs of this World Men are saved, not by Faith,
but by the Lack of it.”
― Ben Franklin, Poor Richard's Almanack

“The best way to see Faith is to shut the eye of Reason.”
― Benjamin Franklin

“You desire to know something of my Religion. It is the first time I have been questioned upon it: But I do not take your Curiosity amiss, and shall endeavour in a few Words to gratify it... I have, with most of the present Dissenters in England, some Doubts as to his [Jesus'] divinity; tho' it is a question I do not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and I think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an Opportunity of knowing the Truth with less Trouble.
[Letter to Ezra Stiles, March 9, 1790]”
― Benjamin Franklin, The Life and Letters of Benjamin Franklin

“I believe in one God, Creator of the Universe in that He ought to be whipped from pilar to post and back again for His shameful actions toward Humanity.”
― Benjamin Franklin, Wit and Wisdom from Poor Richard's Almanack

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."

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Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by RickyD
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Thunderstick
I'm not aware of anything stated that way in the OT. We have something similar in "love your neighbor as yourself. "
Is this the moral code that you would subscribe to and use as a test of morality?

Keep in mind, by "thy neighbor" the OT means other Jews.

Love other Jews as yourself, but buy your slaves from the Heathen around you.

No, it doesn't.

25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

[b]36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

You overlook the discrepancies between the old testament and the new. God is not even the same between the OT and the NT.

I overlook nothing and you overlook everything. You know less than nothing about God and I have no words to change that for you, because you can't hear them or understand them simply because you won't.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.

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Similarities between Marxism (the philosophical premise of Communism) and Skepticism expressed on this thread

Anti-religious principles of Marxism https://www.marxist.com/marxism-religion-liberation-theology220701.htm

1.Marxists stand on the basis of philosophical materialism, which rules out the existence of any supernatural entity, or anything outside or "above" nature. There is, in fact, no need for any such explanation for life and the universe - least of all today. Nature furnishes its own explanations and it furnishes them in great abundance.
2. The latest discoveries have finally exploded the nonsense of Creationism.
3.So, in spite of all this scientific development, why does Religion still have a grip on the minds of millions? Religion offers men and women the consolation of a life after death.
4.Where religion teaches us to lift our eyes to the heavens, Marxism tells us to fight for a better life on earth. Marxists believe that men and women should fight to transform their lives and to create a genuinely human society which would permit the human race to lift itself up to its true stature. We believe that men and women have only one life, and should dedicate themselves to making this life beautiful and self-fulfilling. If you like, we are fighting for a paradise in this life, because we know there is no other.
5. Lenin also pointed out that Engels recommended that the revolutionary party should carry out a struggle against religion: "The party of the proletariat demands that the state shall declare religion a private matter, but it does not for a moment regard the question of a fight against the opium of the people - the fight against religious superstition, etc., - as a private matter. The opportunists have so distorted the question as to make it appear that the Social Democratic Party regards religion as a private matter." Lenin on Religion pg 18
6.In the struggle of science against religion - that is to say, the struggle of rational thought against irrationality - Marxism sides wholeheartedly with science.
7. From the Communist manifesto:Question 22. Do Communists reject existing religions?
Answer: All religions which have existed hitherto were expressions of historical
stages of development of individual peoples or groups of peoples. But
communism is that stage of historical development which makes all existing
religions superfluous and supersedes them.
8.Vladimir Lenin was highly critical of religion, saying in his book Religion:
Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism.[7]
In The Attitude of the Workers’ Party to Religion, he wrote:
Religion is the opium of the people: this saying of Marx is the cornerstone of the entire ideology of Marxism about religion. All modern religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class.[8]

Now notice the clear difference between Marxist/Skeptics views of Deity and morals and those of our Founders.

... the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal l, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

...appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world

...a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,

Everyone who signed this document believed in:
1. laws of nature--meaning they are universal and absolutes wherever there is nature (the Bible speaks of this also)
2. Nature's God--the Cosmos has a ruler who establishes the laws of nature
3. truths to be self-evident -- beyond all reasonable debate or skepticism
4. a self-evident truth is -- all men are created equally
5. a self evident truth -- that the Creator bestowed rights upon men--such as life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
6. God is the supreme judge of all causes
7. The invocation of Divine aid is essential in their cause

In looking at what has been posted on this thread the Skeptic beliefs are much more closely aligned with Marxism than what our founders all signed. In fact most of the skeptics on this thread could not honestly sign the Declaration based on what they posted. Based on the clear evidence of this thread, we have a right:

1. to be skeptical of whether they espouse the American principles of free government
2. to be skeptical of the value of their belief in our free societies that are based on God given freedoms
3. to be skeptical of the scholarship which underlies their belief system- because we like our founders believe Creation and moral absolutes are self evident and beyond reasonable debate

Last edited by Thunderstick; 07/15/19.
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Originally Posted by Thunderstick

I despise the Inquisition--they never were followers of Christ. However the scale of atrocities by atheistic societies is by far unparalleled.

How can we define Christianity, but by the actions of the Christian Church at any point in time? During the Inquisition, the Catholic Church was THE Christian Church. But forgo that thought.

Lets discuss historical atrocities and the nature of the people who committed them.

Spain was a Christian nation with a king blessed by the Papacy, and carried one or more priests on every expedition, when they started sailing across the Atlantic and systematically eliminated (to the extent they found possible) and enslaved the indigenous peoples of South and Central America.

This Christian government of the US, which you have praised at length, went to great lengths in their attempt to eliminate every indigenous tribe in North America.

Both being massive acts of genocide.

Germany was a Christian nation in the 1930s, and were assured German victory in WW II was ordained by God.

Atheists, Bhuddhists, Shintoists, nor Muslims hold no monopoly on the perpetration of atrocities to advance a political, or military, or religious agenda. But then that is redundant as the three agendas are often the same, or so entwined as to be inseparable.

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.
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Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Similarities between Marxism (the philosophical premise of Communism) and Skepticism expressed on this thread

Anti-religious principles of Marxism https://www.marxist.com/marxism-religion-liberation-theology220701.htm

1.Marxists stand on the basis of philosophical materialism, which rules out the existence of any supernatural entity, or anything outside or "above" nature. There is, in fact, no need for any such explanation for life and the universe - least of all today. Nature furnishes its own explanations and it furnishes them in great abundance.
2. The latest discoveries have finally exploded the nonsense of Creationism.
3.So, in spite of all this scientific development, why does Religion still have a grip on the minds of millions? Religion offers men and women the consolation of a life after death.
4.Where religion teaches us to lift our eyes to the heavens, Marxism tells us to fight for a better life on earth. Marxists believe that men and women should fight to transform their lives and to create a genuinely human society which would permit the human race to lift itself up to its true stature. We believe that men and women have only one life, and should dedicate themselves to making this life beautiful and self-fulfilling. If you like, we are fighting for a paradise in this life, because we know there is no other.
5. Lenin also pointed out that Engels recommended that the revolutionary party should carry out a struggle against religion: "The party of the proletariat demands that the state shall declare religion a private matter, but it does not for a moment regard the question of a fight against the opium of the people - the fight against religious superstition, etc., - as a private matter. The opportunists have so distorted the question as to make it appear that the Social Democratic Party regards religion as a private matter." Lenin on Religion pg 18
6.In the struggle of science against religion - that is to say, the struggle of rational thought against irrationality - Marxism sides wholeheartedly with science.
7. From the Communist manifesto:Question 22. Do Communists reject existing religions?
Answer: All religions which have existed hitherto were expressions of historical
stages of development of individual peoples or groups of peoples. But
communism is that stage of historical development which makes all existing
religions superfluous and supersedes them.
8.Vladimir Lenin was highly critical of religion, saying in his book Religion:
Atheism is a natural and inseparable part of Marxism, of the theory and practice of scientific socialism.[7]
In The Attitude of the Workers’ Party to Religion, he wrote:
Religion is the opium of the people: this saying of Marx is the cornerstone of the entire ideology of Marxism about religion. All modern religions and churches, all and of every kind of religious organizations are always considered by Marxism as the organs of bourgeois reaction, used for the protection of the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class.[8]

Now notice the clear difference between Marxist/Skeptics views of Deity and morals and those of our Founders.

... the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal l, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

...appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world

...a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,

Everyone who signed this document believed in:
1. laws of nature--meaning they are universal and absolutes wherever there is nature (the Bible speaks of this also)
2. Nature's God--the Cosmos has a ruler who establishes the laws of nature
3. truths to be self-evident -- beyond all reasonable debate or skepticism
4. a self-evident truth is -- all men are created equally
5. a self evident truth -- that the Creator bestowed rights upon men--such as life liberty and the pursuit of happiness
6. God is the supreme judge of all causes
7. The invocation of Divine aid is essential in their cause

In looking at what has been posted on this thread the Skeptic beliefs are much more closely aligned with Marxism than what our founders all signed. In fact most of the skeptics on this thread could not honestly sign the Declaration based on what they posted. Based on the clear evidence of this thread, we have a right:

1. to be skeptical of whether they espouse the American principles of free government
2. to be skeptical of the value of their belief in our free societies that are based on God given freedoms
3. to be skeptical of the scholarship which underlies their belief system- because we like our founders believe Creation and moral absolutes are self evident and beyond reasonable debate

Wow + P.

Git a gryp, dude.

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You still do not understand the difference in believing in God but denying the Bible.

Some of the same men that you put up while trying to prove your faith have also found fault with the Bible as written. But they still believed in God.

But you can’t see that or at least won’t admit it. All you can do is call names. Call skeptics who disagree with you...communists.

You do not understand your own Faith.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."

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Who needs faith when you have "evidence"?

Remember why, specifically, the Bill of Rights was written...remember its purpose. It was written to limit the power of government over the individual.

There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth.

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Originally Posted by Thunderstick

In looking at what has been posted on this thread the Skeptic beliefs are much more closely aligned with Marxism than what our founders all signed. In fact most of the skeptics on this thread could not honestly sign the Declaration based on what they posted. Based on the clear evidence of this thread, we have a right:

1. to be skeptical of whether they espouse the American principles of free government
2. to be skeptical of the value of their belief in our free societies that are based on God given freedoms
3. to be skeptical of the scholarship which underlies their belief system- because we like our founders believe Creation and moral absolutes are self evident and beyond reasonable debate

I believe religion is "the opiate of the masses" and one should strive to experience heaven here on Earth as there is no other. I also believe in moral absolutes which are beyond reasonable debate and find these to be self evident. How are these things mutually exclusive?

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Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by Thunderstick

I despise the Inquisition--they never were followers of Christ. However the scale of atrocities by atheistic societies is by far unparalleled.

How can we define Christianity, but by the actions of the Christian Church at any point in time? During the Inquisition, the Catholic Church was THE Christian Church. But forgo that thought.

Lets discuss historical atrocities and the nature of the people who committed them.

Spain was a Christian nation with a king blessed by the Papacy, and carried one or more priests on every expedition, when they started sailing across the Atlantic and systematically eliminated (to the extent they found possible) and enslaved the indigenous peoples of South and Central America.

This Christian government of the US, which you have praised at length, went to great lengths in their attempt to eliminate every indigenous tribe in North America.

Both being massive acts of genocide.

Germany was a Christian nation in the 1930s, and were assured German victory in WW II was ordained by God.

Atheists, Bhuddhists, Shintoists, nor Muslims hold no monopoly on the perpetration of atrocities to advance a political, or military, or religious agenda. But then that is redundant as the three agendas are often the same, or so entwined as to be inseparable.

Christianity is defined by the teachings and example of Christ. Anything that does not mirror those is a departure and is not authentic. Men though professing Christianity have departed from the teachings of Christ and have done very evil things at times. There are some notable examples in American history of people who also advocated for the right of the native Americans. Some of the early colonies had good relationships based on mutual respect. Men who abandon the thought of moral responsibility to God will become even worse--atheistic societies are very good examples of that.

Last edited by Thunderstick; 07/15/19.
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Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by Thunderstick

In looking at what has been posted on this thread the Skeptic beliefs are much more closely aligned with Marxism than what our founders all signed. In fact most of the skeptics on this thread could not honestly sign the Declaration based on what they posted. Based on the clear evidence of this thread, we have a right:

1. to be skeptical of whether they espouse the American principles of free government
2. to be skeptical of the value of their belief in our free societies that are based on God given freedoms
3. to be skeptical of the scholarship which underlies their belief system- because we like our founders believe Creation and moral absolutes are self evident and beyond reasonable debate

I believe religion is "the opiate of the masses" and one should strive to experience heaven here on Earth as there is no other. I also believe in moral absolutes which are beyond reasonable debate and find these to be self evident. How are these things mutually exclusive?

Do you believe in moral absolutes based on God's moral standards as the founders? Moral absolutes outside of God are merely the product of a society. The Nazis created their own society and morals and by their own creation they were perfectly moral in gassing the Jews. So how could we try them for war crimes for obeying their own laws and morals?

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Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
You still do not understand the difference in believing in God but denying the Bible.

Some of the same men that you put up while trying to prove your faith have also found fault with the Bible as written. But they still believed in God.

But you can’t see that or at least won’t admit it. All you can do is call names. Call skeptics who disagree with you...communists.

You do not understand your own Faith.

I did not say, nor does the Declaration say you must believe the Bible. I only repeated what the Declaration says and noted your beliefs more closely aligned with Marxism than the founders who signed the declaration. I used the term Marxist because that is the root philosophy.An empirical observation based on evidence in this thread is not name calling. Do you deny the the listed premises of Marxism and could you honestly sign the Declaration? I have not heard you profess belief in God as a Creator or His moral absolutes or that we need His divine aid for the success of our nation.

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Lets not forget a more recent event where orthodox Christians murdered close to 9,000 Muslims. Does the Srebrenica Massacre in the early 1990's ring a bell? That was predominantly Christians that committed that atrocity, not atheist. Some moral backbones there.

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The socialist are demanding civil war in the USA.

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Originally Posted by scoony
Lets not forget a more recent event where orthodox Christians murdered close to 9,000 Muslims. Does the Srebrenica Massacre in the early 1990's ring a bell? That was predominantly Christians that committed that atrocity, not atheist. Some moral backbones there.

Christianity is defined by the teachings and example of Christ. Anything that does not mirror those is a departure and is not authentic. Men though professing Christianity have departed from the teachings of Christ and have done very evil things at times. Men who abandon the thought of moral responsibility to God will become even worse--atheistic societies are very good examples of that.

Comparatively speaking:According to the authoritative “Black Book of Communism,” an estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China.

In total it is thought that Communism has accounted for over a 100 Million deaths from the early 1900s to the 1980s.

Mass killings since the advent of Christ should not be justified in any case. The atheists have typically been the most brutal of all because they do it without moral compunction.

Last edited by Thunderstick; 07/15/19.
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Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by Thunderstick

In looking at what has been posted on this thread the Skeptic beliefs are much more closely aligned with Marxism than what our founders all signed. In fact most of the skeptics on this thread could not honestly sign the Declaration based on what they posted. Based on the clear evidence of this thread, we have a right:

1. to be skeptical of whether they espouse the American principles of free government
2. to be skeptical of the value of their belief in our free societies that are based on God given freedoms
3. to be skeptical of the scholarship which underlies their belief system- because we like our founders believe Creation and moral absolutes are self evident and beyond reasonable debate

I believe religion is "the opiate of the masses" and one should strive to experience heaven here on Earth as there is no other. I also believe in moral absolutes which are beyond reasonable debate and find these to be self evident. How are these things mutually exclusive?

Do you believe in moral absolutes based on God's moral standards as the founders? Moral absolutes outside of God are merely the product of a society. The Nazis created their own society and morals and by their own creation they were perfectly moral in gassing the Jews. So how could we try them for war crimes for obeying their own laws and morals?

I believe the moral code which is self evident embraces each member of the society. It gives every member the same opportunity to pursue health, wealth, and happiness. It does not benefit any member of that society at the expense of another member. It expects every person to honor any bond that person has made.

And yes it does align closely with the Ten Commandments because those old Hebrew Priests were nothing if not skilled sociologists. They knew what their tribe needed to become and remain cohesive.

obviously the Nazis victimized many segments of their society for the benefit of other segments.

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Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Originally Posted by scoony
Lets not forget a more recent event where orthodox Christians murdered close to 9,000 Muslims. Does the Srebrenica Massacre in the early 1990's ring a bell? That was predominantly Christians that committed that atrocity, not atheist. Some moral backbones there.

Christianity is defined by the teachings and example of Christ. Anything that does not mirror those is a departure and is not authentic. Men though professing Christianity have departed from the teachings of Christ and have done very evil things at times. Men who abandon the thought of moral responsibility to God will become even worse--atheistic societies are very good examples of that.

Comparatively speaking:According to the authoritative “Black Book of Communism,” an estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China.

In total it is thought that Communism has accounted for over a 100 Million deaths from the early 1900s to the 1980s.

Mass killings since the advent of Christ should not be justified in any case. The atheists have typically been the most brutal of all because they do it without moral compunction.

Equally as bad are those who do their killing "In the name of God",

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.
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Campfire Ranger
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Originally Posted by Thunderstick
Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
You still do not understand the difference in believing in God but denying the Bible.

Some of the same men that you put up while trying to prove your faith have also found fault with the Bible as written. But they still believed in God.

But you can’t see that or at least won’t admit it. All you can do is call names. Call skeptics who disagree with you...communists.

You do not understand your own Faith.

I did not say, nor does the Declaration say you must believe the Bible. I only repeated what the Declaration says and noted your beliefs more closely aligned with Marxism than the founders who signed the declaration. I used the term Marxist because that is the root philosophy.An empirical observation based on evidence in this thread is not name calling. Do you deny the the listed premises of Marxism and could you honestly sign the Declaration? I have not heard you profess belief in God as a Creator or His moral absolutes or that we need His divine aid for the success of our nation.

You didn't hear because you didn't listen.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."

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