There are only 538 people whose vote actually matters for president. They are the electors. This is decreed by the constitution. No, SCOTUS didn't decide the election in 2000- they just ordered the FL recount to stop and then the electoral college voted as they do every 4 years.

Going back to that thing - the constitution. It says the state legislatures decide who the electors are. Can electors be unfaithful? Damn right. There is nothing stopping the state legislators from electing electors who state they will vote for Trump. Totally legal and constitutional, the founders thought of the very scenario we are currently in. That's why they decided it's going to be the state legislators that elect the electors, who then elect the president. It's what you would call a "baked in" feature of the electoral college/constitution.

Those of you in swing states: call your state representatives. Tell them you believe there was fraud in your state if you think there was fraud. Tell them to vote for electors who will vote for Trump even if your state went blue. Lots of the swing state have republican legislatures.

After all, the worst that could happen in say WI, MI and PA elected a bunch of Trump electors is a 269-269 tie where it goes to the house, a scenario Trump is unlikely to lose. Yet another baked in feature the constitution.

Go do your part!

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
