With the false negative being spread that violence will happen across all fifty states, and massive armed military being brought in to protect the imaginary democracy that no longer exists, what normal thinking person believes they live with their LIBERTY intact any longer?

The staging of this large of a group of military is nothing but acclimating the people to having armed military amongst the public now, and forever into the future, just like all tyranny dictatorships in third world countries around the world.

You lost your country, and Donald refuses to declare martial law to send them all to military tribunals to bypass the corrupt judicial system that has been broached with traitors, in order to save the Constitutional Republic, and your Liberty, when there is hard evidence to back his decision.


That is what you lost. You’re not losing it. It’s already gone.

The government hates you and is enslaving you, and their actions and their words prove it…and they WORK for YOU…and you allow them to keep that job while ruling over you, which is defined as TYRANNY.

Put the uniform on Joe, and be the communist tyrant you’ve spent your whole life aspiring to be, so you can make the Cubans in Florida feel right at home, and their risks they took to cross an ocean in their quest for freedom now in vane, just like all the military in the USA, who died in vane for this country and the citizen’s right to live with their freedom.

Welcome to the U.S.T., United States of TYRANNY.

P.S. Joe will declare Martial Law when Antifa/BLM attacks all state capitals, and come after the guns, hard. That is the whole narrative the media is warming the people up to.

Never let a tragedy go to waste…….

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)