These are not my words but they are my sentiments. From a "brother" over at ARFCOM. I highlighted some important sentences.

Originally Posted By ceetee:
I can only come to these conclusions when looking at what they're doing in DC.

1. Yes, they're THAT scared. They know that they've broken any number of laws in getting their slate "elected", and they're absolutely terrified that somehow, though Hell bar the way, Trump will manage to find the right Federal prosecutor to actually look at the evidence, and file arrest warrants. All this security would give them the opportunity to stop whomever would be coming to Washington to actually serve those warrants, and possibly arrange for a fatal "accident" to befall those men.

2. They're insanely terrified of good, honest, middle-American conservatives. They saw hundreds of thousands of unarmed protestors, filling the streets, wandering through the halls of the Capitol Building and it terrified them to their cores. You SAW them, cowering like sheep, trying to hide behind each other. They've been spending these recent nights awake after having had horrifying nightmares involving those hundreds of thousands of patriots, filling the streets of Washington DC, only this time those patriots are armed and armored, and out for blood. They have no clue what makes a conservative do the things that he does, and since THEY would react with extreme violence, and in THEIR mindset a bloody coup is well in the realm of possibilities, then they can't even imagine that a conservative would think and behave otherwise.

3. They demand tribute. They DEMAND tribute. They believe that they hold the ultimate power in the universe, and they demand that governors and legislators far and wide bend a knee and kiss the ring. If they call the Governor of Virginia (for example) and demand troops, cops, port-a-johns, roach coaches... God dammit, they had DAMN WELL BETTER GET THEM.

I wish to all hell that things had gone differently. I STILL hope (by all that's holy) that Trump somehow pulls out the Hail Mary to end all Hail Marys, and puts an end to this criminal junta.... but I don't honestly think it's going to happen. I honestly think we're in for a rocky ride in the upcoming decade, and the only thing that comforts me is the knowledge that this is all just temporary -- eventually the world will end and the Lord will set things right.

That, and copious amounts of alcohol.

For liberals and anarchists, power and control is opium, selling envy is the fastest and easiest way to get it. TRR. American conservative. Never trust a white liberal. Malcom X Current NRA member.