Originally Posted by 1minute
Not seen the movie, but a neighbor once loaned me a book composed solely of interviews with ladies that came to Oregon in the mid-1800's via wagon or ship. Near all were married between 13-15 yrs, and those remaining single into their late teens deemed unsuitable old maids.

A lot of Oregon was settled by Northern Europeans starting about 1870. Lot's of pioneer cemetery's filled with names from Sweden, Norway, and Germany. People didn't live long back then, 40 was probably pretty old so reproducing younger was a survival tactic. Go look at the birthdate and death date of the early settlers gravestones, it's pretty shocking how young most of them were. Think about having four or five kids starting at 16 means they might live long enough to see their kids grow up. Not many made it to 70 back then. It wasn't until we started living longer the social norm about marriage changed around early 20th century.

"Life is tough, even tougher if your stupid"
John Wayne