One day a cowboy came into a town, carrying his saddle. He asked the gamblers in the saloon if anyone had a horse for sale. One of them mentioned the preacher at the end of town does. So he goes there, and buys the horse. The preacher tells the cowboy that to make the horse move he's got to say "Praise the Lord." The louder he says it the faster it goes. And he's to say "Amen" to make it stop.
"Praise the Lord." he says, and off they go. He then says it louder, and it begins to trot faster. Wow, he says, this actually works! "Praise the Lord!" he yells. The horse takes off at top speed.
A short while later he notices their heading towards a cliff. Whoa, he says. Nothing happens. Whoa! he yells, pulling back on the reins, yet the horse keeps blasting full speed. Then he remembers. Amen, he says. Amen! Amen! The horse stops just at the edge.
Wiping the sweat from his brow, releaved they stopped in time, he says praise the Lord.