Same here we picking more cucumbers than we need giving a bunch to family and friends. Picking a lot of jalapeños grilled a bunch the other day. We also picking a bunch of sweet banana peppers and okra.
This hot dry weather is starting to be hard on the garden. Have to use tap water more than the well needed rainwater. Okra, cucumbers, eggplants and poblano, jalapeno and sweet banana peppers still doing ok all other are slowing down. I picked 14 sugar baby watermelons today gonna give a few to family, friends and eat melon everyday till gone.
I'm starting to think about what I wanna plant this fall for sure cabbage, radish, cucumber, zucchini turnip probably plant September and some in October. We really like to make zucchini bread in the fall like it with a bowl of oatmeal with a banana for breakfast.
After a short break it's time to start getting ready for our fall garden. Got most of the weeding done all looking good. We going to plant Cabbage, cucumber, zucchini, radish, potatoes, turnip and carrots. Wife also wants to do green onion, garlic and maybe broccoli will wait till 1st week of September on into October. Looking forward for some zucchini bread and fresh vegetables.
My neighbor rents my crop land, and he is always very good about watching the wind direction when he sprays the fields around my house, and garden. I have blackberry and blueberry bushes, fruit tress, grapes, as well as a large vegetable garden, and also a high tunnel full of vegetables. It would be very easy to cause damage, and thankfully he is careful and usually calls me before he sprays asking if I think it's okay.
Last year, he got busy and hired a local farm supply business to spray his corn, including what was growing next to my house and gardens. The wind was blowing hard that the wrong direction. Stuff got burnt, some worse than others, including some hanging ferns my wife had just bought. The green beans in the garden also took a hit, although it took a while to show up. To make a long story short, they came out and looked at it and agreed it was their fault, and offered to pay whatever damages I thought it was worth. I told them they could replace the ferns, and we'd keep an eye on the other things. I'm pretty sure it kept the green beans from making a good crop, because they were not good at all. The other things got leaf burn, but not any lasting damage that I could tell.
Some plants and trees are very susceptible to chemical damage, while others aren't. But, it all depends on what the chemical is.
We’ve been canning beans and the wife has put several bags of chopped green and sweet peppers in the freezer. We are doing tomatoes now as they ripen, slow process this year. Corn is turning and we are planning on canning that. Squash plant from hell is producing 5-6 squash every other day and has been for the last two weeks. Cucumbers are playing out. Getting 3 boxes ready to plant fall kale. Potatoes vines are dying so I’ll be digging those in a couple of weeks.
Been a wet spring and summer so far, had a lot of beans mold on the vines.
Having a heck of a time getting tomatoes to turn! Been this way for 12 days now
My Mr. Stripeys are the same way. Took me all this week to get 14 pints of juice. Vines are full, just getting 1-2 tomatoes every 3 days. Would like to get 24 more pints from these.
Had a friend drop of a bunch of Brandywines, got 26 pints out of those.
Ended up with 95 pints of green beans before I pulled the vines. Getting ready to plant kale in those boxes.
The one squash plant is still giving us 5-6 per day, it now consumes a whole box and half of another. Cukes have died out. Corn is starting to get that dark brown look and the potato vines are dying. Peppers are still producing too.
It’s been a good year for us, God has blessed us. Pantry if filling up.
Having a heck of a time getting tomatoes to turn! Been this way for 12 days now
Tomatoes like Sunshine, Heat, Humidity, natural Water,(Rain). Each different Tomatoes, depending on the Many Different Varieties, take different lengths of time to mature, albeit averaging 60 days or so. Sometimes when the weather is cooler, and not Hot and Steamy, as Tomatoes Love, I will water with Warm Water, and a Little bit of Epsom Salts to up the Magnesium!
Works Wonders, and will kick them off! Natural fertilizer, instead of Mira cal grow, or man made, possibly harmful, fertilizers.
I Learned a long time ago to Separate My Want's from My Needs!