Well I have been teaching my granddaughter to shoot for about a year. She is 9 years old. We started with a pellet gun. Soon graduated to a Savage 22 single shot. Then it was time to shoot the AR 15. She really enjoys shooting, and is doing great. Hunting season is right around the corner, so I thought I would let her shoot my 6.5 Grendel and 6.5 Creed. She shot them both well. But she really impressed me shooting the 6.5 Creed.
Target was at 75yds, feeder distance. not bad for a 9 year old.
Anyway, I Took her out this morning on her first Hunt. At first light a big mature Doe showed up. Its not Deer season here yet. Bow season opens next weekend. But it was the first deer she has seen from a deer stand. She thought it was really cool. About 5 minutes later 3 pigs showed up. I asked her if she was ready. She responded "yes but I'm shaking". I told her calm down and take a couple of deep breaths. I told her to get the biggest one (the one in the middle) in the scope. Then we are going to wait for him to turn broadside. I told her where to put the crosshairs, and squeeze the trigger when she was ready. She squeezed one off and made a perfect shot, he dropped like a rock. Didn't even take a step. DRT. Needless to say I was a very Proud Pop Pop. It was a Hug and Hi Fives and a grin from ear to ear on a happy 9 year old's face.
He weighed 100lbs on the nose, bullet was a 130gr eld-m
Ain’t nothing like it, was with my granddaughter when she got her first buck. I had her sit in my lap, put my hands on window, she rested her arms on mine, helped steady her. I did that with my kids too. Mine still hunts, killed a real nice buck this year, she is 19 now.
Priceless. Looking forward to many more hunts. She is my oldest grandchild. I have 3 more following close behind her. All looking forward to hunting with Pop Pop. I can't wait.
Awesome when the young’ns start hunting. Pure joy when they harvest an animal. My daughter with her first deer, after a lot of trials and tribulations and frustrations.
Well she got to shoot her first deer on youth weekend. What a great experience for the both of us. She made another perfect shot with the Tikka 6.5 creedmoor. Bang flop. didn't take a step. 130gr Hornady 130greld-m. needless to say I'm a Proud Pop Pop.
My 7 year old granddaughter with her doe this year. She got a nice 8 pointer 2 weeks later, but didn’t get hero pic of it. We started her young. First one was when she was 5. The rifle you see here is Rem 600 I had rebarreled to 6.5 TCU, cut down for her. She has a total of 7 deer now (one with crossbow), 3 hogs and 8 coyotes. Did I say she likes to hunt??? Edit…my bad, just figured out I’m not high tech enuf to post pic on here….lol