The Three Hookers:

Three hookers were meeting for their usual morning coffee, and discussing "work" from the night before.

The first said "I must've been hired by a lawyer". The others wondered how she could possibly know this, and she replied "Well, he got out a bunch of paperwork, and made be sign here, date there, initial here, etc., before we could finally get down to business". The others agreed she must have indeed been hired by an attorney.

The second said "I'm pretty sure my client was a doctor". Again, the companions wondered how she could know that, and she said "he weighed me, measured me, poked, prodded, and did a total exam before we could get down to business". Yes, her companions agreed- sounded like a doctor.

The third said "Well, I got hired by a farmer".

"What? Huh? How could you POSSIBLY know that it was a farmer??".

She said "Well, first he bitched it was too dry. Then he complained it was too wet. Then, to top it all off, when we were all done-the sonofabitch expected ME to pay HIM!!"

I prefer classic.
Semper Fi
I used to run with the hare. Now I'm envious of the tortoise and I do my own stunts but rarely intentionally