Originally Posted by RMEF055
Originally Posted by matt_allen
You guys say the number are way down. Whats way down if your out walking in just decent country. What could someone expect to see per day just on a sheer numbers side? I have no idea what to expect I am used to iowa when we will do a deer drive and you can easily have 100-200 head come out.

On a good year, seeing 100-200 deer in a week would be great! The last two years I didn't see 100 deer over the course of the season while hunting. Try finding one with a decent set of antlers and the count drops to almost nothing on public land. Depending where you go, plan on seeing anywhere from 0-15 deer a day. Mature bucks..next to none. That said, I agree with the others, don't spend your money on a trip to Montana.

A guy could see 100 deer a day, but 97 of those will be on inaccessible private land.