It's SUL and was developed by Max Joseph while trying to keep a bunch of third world cops from muzzling him with loaded guns.

But the way that it's taught and used today isn't the way he intended it. Most of the time now you just see guys laying the gun across their chest, muzzling the dick and waistline of anyone near them. The gun is supposed to be pointed DOWN. Lowering the pistol from nipple level helps keep it oriented down because it keeps your wrist from being so tweaked.

I've trained with Max several times and he's a good instructor, except for his views on lunch. Since most training mistakes happen after lunch he just doesn't take one, lol. Which keeps you from getting sleepy with a full belly, but by the end of the day I'm downright shaky if I don't eat.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling