Concerning Blackhorn, you must keep the breechplug flash channel clear and also the flash hole, both located on your breechplug. I clear my channel after every four shots, using a hand drill bit, turning it easily in the channel, while the gun is upright. The fouling generally just falls out and I'm ready for another load.

What's good for the flash hole (which only needs to be checked every 10 shots or-so) is a closed safety pin. Open the safety pin, straighten out the pointed end as best as you can. It's long enough to fit thru my Knight and T/C ML breechplugs.

Some breechplugs never need inspecting / cleaning..... Some do. I am also considering abandoning Blackhorn 209. Thinking about trying Pyrodex Select next. Have not used Pyrodex since the early-mid 1990s. I will never return to Crud Ring City/ frozen breechplug 777 again, nor moisture-grabbing American Pioneer.

Real Black has always been in my gun cabinet and I may someday return to using it in my inlines.