If you are going 3rd season with otc bull tags white river area 12 23 11 211 near Meeker and Craig have elk but lots of hunters too. Leftover cow tags go on sale the first week of August and would be a great idea, certainly the kids at least should go with cow tags to increase their chances.

There are low sagebrush and high aspen areas so you can adapt to weather and move your camp. Think of this trip as an extended scouting trip where you plan to learn about elk hunting and maybe you'll kill one while you learn. Plan on walking at least 2 miles past the end of vehicle access to be successful.

Pay attention to the weather - it can change rapidly in the mountains and having 4 wheel drive, chains, come along and shovels is just part of the necessary equipment that hopefully stays in the back of the truck.

The more you scout online and in person the better you will be prepared. Read the regulations carefully, watch videos of the gutless method how to cut up an elk - they are just huge in comparison to deer and you want to get all the meat out in good condition. Bring packs to carry out meat - they don't have to be camo or pretty, just capable of carrying 70 lbs of meat.

Practice with your rifles to at least 300 yards and carry a rangefinder so you aren't blazing away at 700 yards or shooting over their backs at 225 thinking they are 350. Maps and GPS are necessary tools for the public land hunter in CO landowners don't have to mark their property and trespassing is always your fault.

Assume that you'll learn more and unfortunately need to buy more stuff every year for a while.