Points to consider:

I can walk the hundred yards from the front door to the highway without stepping over anything. But I ain't bothered with trespassers.

It ain't worth the risk to them.

A physical barrier is worthless against people unless it is manned by guards that are incorruptible. Adding all the new people to the B P has resulted in much more corruption in the ranks.

Over half of our Mexican Border is the center of a River. Build a fence in N.M. ,Az. , and Ca. and you force most of the illicit traffic to the River.

Those who claim a fence can be built DOWN THE CENTER of the Rio Grande have never had to fix water gaps in a fence after a heavy rain. It is a RIDICULOUS suggestion that displays the ignorance of anyone who entertains it for more than a few seconds. There's some pretty good sized Reservoirs on that river as well.

The Federal Gov't has already defacto ceded millions of acres to Mexico by moving the patrols many miles off the River. Building a fence anywhere on THIS side of the River, even though logistically possible, takes land away from American citizens and deprives wildlife and domestic animals of the only sure source of water in a huge area.

The "border problem" can certainly be solved.

But as long as idiots like Trump and O'Reilly are not called on their B.S., no sane voices will be heard.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place