Originally Posted by rcamuglia
To the OP,

At this point with time running out before your hunt, I'd go to JBM ballistics and run your load through the basic trajectory calculator with a 200 yard zero, 22.75 inHg Absolute Pressure, 50 degrees, 30% humidity.

Zero the gun at 200 when you get here and take note of the drop table's MPBR. Use a rangefinder and don't take any shots longer than MPBR. You probably won't have to anyway.

Originally Posted by jeffbird

Anyway, good luck to all of you.

Yep, that'll work or you can find the Hornady ballistic calculator on line, punch in your info, using a 200 yard zero, and toggle the "advanced" read-out where you can add wind speed (10-20 mph seems to be what I do most often to see drift at distance) and altitude (then barometric pressure is built into the resulting calculation).

You can then print a table to as far as you want in 50 or 100 yard increments. When you get to hunting elevation, reaffirm zero at 200 and if you've had some trigger time you should be good to, say, 400 yards, which is plenty far.

They all need it.
