Originally Posted by Nate40
I bought a ruger bisley in 45colt and am wanting to load some ruger only loads for it. The bullets I'll be using will be 250gr xtps and lead 255gr wfn. I'm not wanting to load it too crazy, just to about 1200fps uses will be deer and hog. Any idea of a starting point?


I'm a very big fan, and owner, of Ruger's.

I could blather away but to complement a cogent response please see this informative dissertation:


Just to rehash some matters to contemplate.

* Consider your barrel length when calculating velocity and pressure.

* Determine bullet diameter vis a vis groove/barrel diameter i.e., interference fit and the amount of obturation, squeezing it takes to push the bullet out the barrel.

* Consider bullet type, construction i.e., solid mono-metal, bullet Brine hardness.

* Stay within the burn rate chart limits and recommendations for your particular application. That is usually about 10 numbers/speed above or below the best pinnacle of effectiveness.

* Usually rule of thumb is that the heavier bullets carry more energy and punch than the lighter weights/grains.

Looks to me like you have already received a super abundance of advice from some very experienced and knowledgeable owners/users so my input seems superfluous.

Last edited by William_E_Tibbe; 08/30/15.