I'll keep it simple guys, resolution is 1, most all coatings are good these days so don't get lost in the this coating that coating. More glass means better resolution most of the time, ex a 6X24 will usually resolve Brett than a 3x12 at the same magnification. On the flip side more lenses also means less light transmission but it's moot. Larger objectives lets you use power, a 56 will allow a much greater mag range and offer better resolution, usually than a 50mm and so on. Here's the biggie, the big advantage of most euro scopes have been their large angular fov, the bigger this is the better you see period. Don't worry about feet or meters look at the angular fov, in bins anything over 60 is considered wide angle. Doesn't matter how good the glass or coatings are if it has the view of a pvc pipe your not gonna see a darn thing late, or not compared to a larger angular fov with similar glass. My 6x24 hensoldt is my favorite followed by a 4x16x56 and then a 3x12x56. I have an incredible 3x9x42 Zeiss vmv that 9 outta 10 will say smokes a vx3 50mm most of the time. It's not necessarily the glass near as much as the fov. Last example is all the Zeiss scopes I named have the same angular fov. The Leupold is much smaller. Hope this helps.
