Last evening Kate and I headed out for some sage grouse hunting... Need a few more for my friends.. Took a couple walks, and Kate put up a double.. For my part I missed three easy shots.. Bummer... We headed to another spot, and I glassed a bird sitting on a sage probably 300 yards away.. Kate and I made a bee line for the spot.. But when you start walking across a sage brush flat, it is difficult, for me at least, to hit the exact area.. But this time we were dead on, at least Kate was.. A couple birds got up, and I missed three shots!!! Had been doing so well at the beginning of season!! Crap.. Dropped another WW 3 1/4- 1 1/4 -#4 in the chamber.. As Kate came back to me she hit half a dozen more birds.. This time I kept my head down and shot.. Perfect hit, FIANLLY..

Kate was pretty hot so I took her to a spring for a drink and swim.. I got out of the truck, and was going to take a photo, when I thought birds might be here before going to roost.. Just dropped a #4 in the 870 when Kate crossed the fence to the spring.. Half a dozen birds hit the air.. Took my time and dropped one at about 35 yards..

Molon Labe