Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by KMS

LOL! The cheering section! Every time someone praises Donald, TRH goes, "Right you are! Preach it brother!" TFF! laugh
My support for Trump himself is actually lukewarm. I support his candidacy only because he's bucking the establishment which is decidedly anti-conservative, and which hates him because he's decidedly more real than they are. We'll never get real conservative government until the neocon death grip that's on the Republican establishment is broken, and Trump is the best chance for doing that at this time.

I like your analysis, except that I am much more positive about Donald Trump because he conforms to my view of what a really good big businessman is. IMO, we could use someone with his skills and his greater honesty. Plus, his stance on issues is perfectly fine so far. I think he is taking the gun issue as far as necessary at this point.

Really great businessmen –– and there are a few –– attract intense loyalty because people trust them. I do not confuse this with persons like JFK and BHO who gather henchmen who would be no-talent nothings without their connection to the boss.(I know that JFK had McNamara, Bundy, et al., but in retrospect they had such insufferable egos that they got much of what they did wrong and later admitted it.) Really great ones like Ike, Truman and Reagan did not think only Ivy League cronies were competent.

I like(d) several of the other GOP candidates including Cruz, but I do not see any at this point who can carry it all the way. I could be wrong, but that is what I see.

Norman Solberg
International lawyer, lately for 25 years in Japan, now working on trusts in the US, the 3rd greatest tax haven. NRA Life Member for over 50 years, NRA Endowment (2014), Patron (2016).