Yes I wanted to try rough out on both. That along with the hard seat is new for me but I was convinced a padded seat doesn't make it more comfortable. The other steeles I have don't really have any padding really. So far I really really like it but don't have a weight. It's for sure lighter than any other saddle like it I've messed with. I came very close to ordering a Mccall. I spoke with people that use them and called and had a lengthy conversation with a man at Dryfork. In the end I personally know and like Fred (Fred ans Eric own Steele) and it almost seemed silly to not use them. I went to his shop looked things over he changed a thing or two he really took care of me.

They have a demo program as I'm sure you know. If hat doesn't work for you maybe we could get together soon and you show me a good new place to ride and you can see what you think of it.