Originally Posted by huntsonora
That being said, what would you guys recommend for my 260 that will be used shooting anything g from coyotes to deer in relatively open country

My hands on Super Chicken experience isn't as extensive compared to several that post here. I have and use the fixed 6x & 10x, the 3-15 and now the 1-4 Illuminati. The 1-4 is right at home on an AR-15 and just picked up three more for a 9.3x62mm and a couple more AR-15's.

The 6x is my favorite and if SWFA would add an illuminated reticle it would be the bees knees.

The fixed 10x I just never could really appreciate. If you have wide open spaces, a little more than 10x just seems a little more practical, and admittedly a personal preference. Thus the reason I have a 3-15x42mm.