Originally Posted by Ringman

In order for Barnes to be right, Einsteins theory of relativity would have to be wrong. Does your GPS work? Then Barnes is wrong.

Where did you come up with this foolishness? The GPS works from its satellite orbital position no matter how strong the magnetic field is. I was pretty sure you wouldn't accept a scientific fact if it challenged your world view. We both use rescuing devises all the time. The creationist just doesn't need as many. And them more scientific discoveries are made the fewer the creationist needs rescuing devises.

You don't even know WHY the GPS system is dependent upon relativity?

Hint, it has nothing to do with the strength of magnetic fields.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell