Originally Posted by Valsdad

Dude, you must be like ancient or something.
Maybe older than me, even. wink

When I was 5 years old in 1956 I wore my cap guns and coonskin cap every day.
My father was chief engineer designing the M55, M107, and M110 artillery. When he would take me to work with him on Saturday to Pacific Car and Foundry Renton, I saw lots of red fluid on the ground and thought it was blood from shooting people with all those big guns.

When I started college in 1969 we had slide rules. By 1974 we all had calculators.

When my son was 6 years old I was giving him calculus problems. He is now 29 and makes $220k at Google.

My father was smart at math, my son is smart at math.
Not me.
I got through a lifetime of engineering [power supply design] using only my knowledge of algebra and first year calculus.

There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self. -Ernest Hemingway
The man who makes no mistakes does not usually make anything.-- Edward John Phelps