Go looking for trouble, strapped to the hilt in a drinking joint, it's never too hard to find.

Exactly correct MM. But if you read these threads posted here about what guys carry every day, it is obvious that I am not the only one who goes prepared. Those of us who carry every day don't go looking for trouble, but we do go prepared for it. My state allows concealed carry in establishments that serve alcohol, so that is not an issue here.

As a former deputy sheriff, I am more than a little familiar with the criminal mind set and part of the job was to check on juke joints. We were always armed when we did that. We were not armed because we were looking for trouble. We were armed to protect our lives.

Apparently you have never been at a night club at close up time when everybody has left and it's quiet except for the band taking their instruments and amplifiers to the door. There is a reason we all pull our cars and trucks up close to the door to load our gear out at the same time. There is a reason most musicians who play in those kinds of places go armed. There is a reason the doors are locked and the alarm turned on while the night receipts are counted and prepared for bank deposit.

Night clubs take in a LOT OF CASH. I or other band members sometimes accompany the club close up person to the night deposit at the nearest bank at 3 or 4 AM and you can bet that person is armed. He isn't armed because he is looking for trouble. He is armed to protect his life because whether you believe it or not, there really are bad guys out there.

Despite what your momma told you, violence does solve problems.