Originally Posted by Wildcatter264
Originally Posted by Bristoe
Originally Posted by Tim_in_Nv
Sorry if I missed it, but isn't Mr. Trump in fact a globalist?

Trump is a businessman who is running for President on a Nationalist/Populist platform.

Globalists are politicians who want to flood America with illegal aliens and Muslim refugees.

Simplistic reductionist thinking may help you rationalize why you choose believe a populist demagouge, but it doesn't make it true. You get to have an opinion but not to make up your own 'facts.'

Trump is running on a "Nationalist/Populist platform" because he thinks it will improve his chances of getting elected. But his record is one of off-shoring, hiring aliens - legal and illegal - to replace US citizens as cheaper labor, and of buying off politicians for his own plutocratic purposes.

That's the guy you think is going to turn back the clock to traditional American values and dethrone the Washington establishment? I'd laugh but it's all too tragically serious for that.

The Washington establishment has been doing backflips for months to try to keep Trump from getting the nomination.

If you're too obtuse to see or hear anything else and to understand what it means,..you should at least be able to see *that*.

Those who can't are responsible for the herd of globalists who currently run America.