Originally Posted by Tim_in_Nv
If Mr. Trump is the nominee, we are guaranteed a New York Liberal in the White House. Either Hillary, or Donald. Same coin, different sides. Let me know how that works out for ya. (By the way, Bush 43 was not a Conservative). If Mr. Trump's plans run counter to the rinos and dems in Congress, how, again, is he going to get them accomplished? Are you a Conservative? I ask, because I am very surprised at the number of people here at the fire, that are not.

I guess we're screwed either way then.

The only president worth a [bleep] in my lifetime was a former California leftist.

I'm more of a constitutionalist than what is called a conservative, I believe in the founding principals. A lot of what passes for conservatism is a joke, to include Bush father and son.

As I said, ban all presidential candidates from Texas...I doubt any group has been more damaging to the country in the last century...aside from Obama himself.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." TJ

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". EB