Originally Posted by Tim_in_Nv
Either way, yes, we get a New York City liberal. It's by design. laugh. I would agree as to being a Constitutionalist. Bush senior and junior are in no way true Conservatives (or Constitutionalists for that matter). If we as a people do not turn back to GOD and HIS intent for this country (HE definitely guided the founding of this country), we will be lost. Sometimes, we have to hit rock bottom in order to reach out to HIM. Maybe we just aren't there yet. Matt 6:33. laugh

Reminds me of an alcoholic. Those guys must hit bottom before they come to grips/terms with their pathology. From that vantage point, there's no direction but up.

And before the alcoholic gets to that point, you know he's lying any time his lips are moving... crazy

Either America gets judged or Sodom and Gomorrah deserve an apology... shocked