Originally Posted by Crow hunter
The minimum wage causes all kinds of handwringing on here for no reason. The minimum wage is mostly irrelevant. The problem in the U.S. is the massively bloated welfare state. We pay people 50K a year in welfare to sit at home, smoke dope and spit out kids. They're not going to take a job for $8 an hour or $15 an hour for that matter. Why would you take a $15 an hour job when you get paid twice that for doing nothing?

We then look the other way while mexicans file over our borders to take those low wage jobs, all the time paying our own citizens to NOT take these jobs. It's idiotic. Cut welfare down to where it's not more profitable to sit on your butt at home than work then the 50 million people on welfare will start looking for work. Kick the mexicans out so they're not competing with the former welfare mooches for the jobs. The minimum wage will sort itself out when people suddenly have to actually work to be able to afford their cigarettes and booze.

prezactly ! well said

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.