Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by Kenneth
Originally Posted by gitem_12

The factories are, for the most part, hiring temp workers.

This has become a huge standard practice around here also, most likely related to taxes and healthcare.

It's all about less people doing more work, someone retires quits or is fired, no replacement is hired untill temps are needed to fill peak demands.

The people being crushed, and the companys know this, are the senior workers with 10-20 years in, and a bunch of benefits including vacation.

I know of a few people in this situation working up to a mandated 60 hours a week.

Obamunism at work.

Around here it started long before Obama

Granted the one factory in particular simply makes press board cabnetry. I wouldn't expect that to be a great paying gig.

We have a couple other plants that don't hire temps but are very, very tough to get into.

One is running on a skeleton crew as they make a lot of munitions for the military and have been struggling with the cuts in military spending

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell