ne thing I am trying is to do shorter sessions more frequently. I'm hoping it helps. Last night I had about 15mins before we had to leave for a baseball game, so I laid out a few short tracks in the yard. Previously I had been using dead pigeons for this and leaving the pigeons at the end of the track. This time I coated his canvas bumper with some quail scent and used it as the drag with a treat at the end. First two were pretty easy as they were only about 10yds each and straight. The third one was longer and I put a J hook on the end. He's starting to learn what's going on so he was running at Mach 1 when I brought him outside. But, taking him past #1 he blew through it, but on his way back picked up the trail and found the treat. Using his collar I led him to the start of #2 and he followed it like he was on rails. For #3 I just kind of led him to the general direction of the start (FIND THE BIRD) and he picked it up right off. He did overrun the J hook, but came back, found it and ran it out. I was pretty darn stoked! I did like using the pigeons, but they're only good for a couple of days and then they get squishy enough that he chews them on the retrieve a bit too much.

Not sure if the next thing I did was "good", but I did it. After letting him retrieve the bumper a few times I'd get him excited with it and trying to get it from me. I kept him from grabbing it and then I'd stop moving it and give him a WHOA. After about 2 times of this he started to sit when I said WHOA. I think it's because I make him sit often before tossing the bumper. When he'd sit I stood him up and rubbed his belly while holding the bumper in front of his nose, but not letting him have it. Then I would toss it for him to retrieve. After a few times he did stop and stand when I said whoa. We'll see if that helps him in pointing better. Thoughts on doing that?

Thanks again for all the advice and suggestions. They are greatly appreciated.