Originally Posted by KuiLei
Originally Posted by Calvin
Fish, fish, and more fish. That's all I pretty much do!

It's been good.

A GAF day. Anglers can lease IFQ from commercial IFQ holders to be able to catch a "any size" halibut. We are rather good at finding big ones.

I know what GAF means in some contexts, as in "DILLIGAF". But what does it mean in your post, if you don't mind?

GAF stands for "Guided Angler Fish". Our limit is 1 halibut, under 43" or over 80". With GAF, we lease IFQ from commercial fisherman to get a 1 any size halibut. It gives us and extra halibut of any size. I think it takes about 60ish lbs of leased IFQ to get a halibut.