Neither. Waste of money (lots) and time (lots, too). I prefer a comprehensive solution involving multiple sensor triggers and surveillance technology, armed drones and response teams of agents.

Do you have the remotest CLUE as to just how many tens of millions
...( probably more, insert the "b-word") of our hard earned has already:
A.) been invested in this kinda' gear, and how much of it is already deployed.
B.) How much of it has been ordered, built, purchased and PARKED, to sit idle in big old BP parking lots ?

Who watches the watchers, Mister ?

How do you propose to implement the sea change that will be needed to get alla' this Buck Rogers gear into proper use ? Please clarify as well just what lays behind the clear disregard for proper use of assets ALREADY IN THE INVENTORY.....

Curious....have you ever WORKED on UAVs, or been involved with em in the hands on sense ?


Last edited by crossfireoops; 07/25/16.

Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain