Originally Posted by KyWindageII
Would either of you gentlemen like to comment on why we can keep class III weapons?

Would you like to explain how the NFA is NOT an infringement? We are "allowed" to keep Class IIIs because the Feds have infringed upon the 2A and spineless f'ks like you within the NRA have allowed them - in fact aided and abetted them - to do so.

Now, would you like to comprehend what "Full Faith & Credit" means to state licenses and why state control of the 2A is far preferable to a Fed monopoly (hint: 10th Amendment, combined with the 2A)? Would you like to consider what the actual language of the 2A means, and not what you think it means?

Yep, no damned wonder the NRA sold us out in 1968 and throughout the 1970s.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.