
I'm sure everyone here has their own stories about chewed wires and nests in carburators/air cleaners but here's my latest....
About a week ago I went to get a tool out of the top box on my roll away and discovered mouse nests in three of the drawers....one of em even had some little hairless babies in it.... Well I grabbed the shop vac and cleaned out the nests but they had made a pretty nasty mess of my tools so today I finally got around to cleaning em up.... The closest thing I have around here as far as disinfectant is bleach so I filled up a bucket with about 1/2 bleach and 1/2 hot water and proceeded to wash everything.....
What a nasty mess!!!!! Anybody that thinks Mice are harmless needs to see the Craftsman screwdriver that actually has a flat spot melted in the handle from laying in the piss for a week or so.....
And to add insult to injury....I had forgotten about those baby mice in my shop vac until I turned it on today....had to douse the tank on that baby with bleach too...the exhaust was quite fragrant LOL...

Life in the woods eh.....