Originally Posted by deflave
I was prone shooting steel. A guy was behind me using my spotter and he blurts out "SNAKE!"

It was sidewinding it's nasty ass straight toward me on that concrete pad. When I got clear of it I was going to shoot it with my .40 but I wanted it to get off pavement before doing so.

The other dude unloaded his Beretta on it. It was totally fugked.


Now that is what they call "Sporty". Venomous snakes, little 25 bullets zinging off the concrete and you executing a ninja roll, dive, leap etc. to get up outta the midst of it.

Had that been me, I'd have taken a ricochet through the sack, a snake bite to the a$$ and the heart attack would have killed me grave yard dead.

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis