Originally Posted by Klikitarik
Whether Trump is a conservative really doesn't matter to any but his ardent supporters at this point. And there aren't enough of them to get him elected.

One must consider the 'alternative.'

Trump is a very high risk candidate who has a horrible track record on a lot of things. This should be very concerning to thinking people who favor conservative values.

But one must consider the 'alternative.'

Trump would be considered a much better candidate by many people if he were a Democrat, and Conservatives wouldn't stand for so much of what he puts forward under those circumstances. What does that say?

But one must consider the 'alternative'.

Choosing our next president by the "the lesser of two evils" method is going to be more broadly used in this election than in, perhaps, any previous presidential election in memory.

But there is no alternative!

^^^This is the rationale of an inveterate neocon who'll stoop to any lie in vain effort to deny the will of We, the People.^^^

Come high noon on 20 JAN 17, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as 45th President of the United States of America, and there ain't a damned thing that liberals, neocons, elkneoconnm, Klikneocon, GOP power brokers, GOP insiders, the Bush Family Cartel, the Clinton Cartel, and others in America's fifth column can do to deny the will of We, the People.

What pisses posters like elkneoconnm & Klikneocon off is that they were duped by a fraud while Donald J. Trump is the real deal and they were too stupid to know the difference. Neocons will take our guns quicker than a liberal Democrat, right elkneoconnm?

God bless America.

And may God bless and protect Donald J. Trump.