Not only is Donald Trump an authentic conservative, I believe he'll become a better and more conservative president than was Reagan, whom I loved.

"Donald Trump has been a disrupter and an outsider for most of his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. With the Republican National Convention set to start next week in Cleveland, though, the New York businessman’s nontraditional campaign is starting to influence the party’s official platform."


Donald Trump was by far the most authentically conservative of the 17 Republican candidates that began the Republican primary. Not even the Bush Family Cartel could sway the will of We, the People.

Some people are easily fooled. They will always go where they're lead. Some people have ulterior agendas, which is almost always neoconservative. They'll push the New World Order until they're satisfied that the country created by our Founding Fathers no longer exists.

It appears as though GOP insiders, elitists, and power brokers have tried to co-opt Trump's agenda and call it their own. Make no mistake: but for Donald J. Trump, they would have never moved right. They fought like heck to retain the GOP's neocon agenda. Donald Trump's overwhelming popularity forced them to change their agenda to match his.

jorge1 & elkneoconnm, get over it. Come high noon of 20 JAN 17, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as 45th President of the United States of America, and there ain't a damned thing that you guys and your fifth column soldiers can do to deny the will of We, the People.