Originally Posted by SakoAV

Come high noon on 20 JAN 17, We, the People
were [will have been] duped by a fraud, Donald J. Trump, [because] we're too stupid to know the difference.

With minor editing for clarity, you are spot on.............. unfortunately.

Just don't assume we are all so stupid.

There really is no way to know who Trump might nominate for the Supreme Court, but it is a sure bet who the alternative would.

Again, we have to consider the alternative, only because we have no other alternative. (But you are welcome to go on blindly following the hero of your wet dreams. I'm sure that if by chance he doesn't lose, some folks will will slurp up whatever he excretes and proclaim it "notshit".)

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.