Well from what I understand ADS-B and how its going to work, it going to replace Radar in Air Traffic Control, or that is the plan! Radar provides Separation for Aircraft on Instrument flight Plans! How much and to what extent its going to help VFR only operations remain to be seen, its still on the pilot to see and avoid! A G-1000 will not fit a Super cup panel, thou a G-600 will, but then you have other issues of were to put the G-530's to run the G-600 and the sandby instruments required! You can get a New Cub Crafters Super Cub so set up, all you have to do is write a check for around 350K! Its a real issue since NexGen is going in to Effect in 2019, uncontrolled Airspace will still be uncontrolled, its when you have to go in to places like Anchorage or Fairbanks that will pose some problems, its not all worked out yet! The whole thing is geared toward the Instrument rated pilot flying on an instrument flight plan, my guess it will work pretty much like radar flight following for the VFR guys, you still have to look for and see the traffic! This along with the EPA messing will avgas, its making flying cost prohibitive for most! Yea the new boxes are something, but they are also a long learning curve too, the G-1000 has over 125 different function keys, and the short cut manual that has to be in the airplane is a good 500 pages long! And those cause other sorts of problems for the pilot too! There is no quick fix to mid air's and why they happen! They don't occurre to often but when they do its news!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov