Well a transponder allows ATC Radar control the ability to Identify an individual aircraft- Most are altitude encoding, you are assigned a four digit code and the Control can see you and has your pressure altitude read out as well! It only works if you are High enough and with in Radar Coverage! The area in question, no radar coverage, its Class G uncontrolled Airspace- its still see and avoid responsibility is on the Pilot! Nothing would have prevented this, other than the pilots looking were they were going and broadcasting intentions in the area around that strip on 122.8! Accidents happen, and in Alaska because of the remoteness, give it a chance and it will bite you! I got almost 1000 hours in the Van, flown J-3's never got around to a Super Cub! No much panel in a J-3 and no electrical system!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov