Originally Posted by hatari
He pointed this out to the gunsmith who indignantly told him that he had done the measurements precisely,
and the fault was in the manner in which Hans mounted the rifle and that was that! End of discussion.

That is European customer service.

I hope you are not generalising about European customer service, I can give some personal experiences about some American gun
service providers ( in the very expensive category) that are far worse and down right criminal in their actions toward the customer,
but I wouldn't generally condemn American customer service based on those. Also I would not be inclined to bundle the service you
get from lower budget price European double rifle companies and related gunsmiths , with the likes of the excellent product & service
a person receives from Euro companies like Max Ern, Hartmann & Weiss, etc.

One thing I know is that you won't don't have to send your SxS rifle back to H & W because the barrels come apart when firing , like in
the case of the Butch Searcy SxS that had to be sent back twice because the barrels split a 2nd time...good customer service in the
USA doesn't mean a thing if the weapon happens to self destruct due to poor workmanship while hunting in Africa.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.